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Plant a Tree, Grow Hope
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“Art in the Sky” – Youth Exchange, 7-14 of April, Gaziantep
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Plant a Tree, Grow Hope – Vizita in Avans (Vigo, Spania)
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Call for Participants (Youth Exchange) – Vigo, Spain
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Call for PArticipants (Youth Exchange)- “Art in the sky”, Gaziantep
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Be an Entrepreneur and Create – TC, Leszno
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“Be an Entrepreneur and Create”
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Star of Europe, Training Course
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<H5> “Plant a tree, Grow hope”, a project financed by the European Commission thorugh Erasmus+ Programme, brought together 24 participants from Bulgaria, Romania, Greece and Spain in a very special place in the Northwest of Spain, called Galicia, near the Atlantic ocean. The Ecolectivo is a multidisciplinary project born with the aim of promoting and developing experiences in areas such as ecological, community, cultural and personal growth. With a transformative and experimental nature, they try to promote actions and life models that are more respectful with people and with nature in general. </H5> |
<H5> The project took place between 19-27 of May and our organization sent 5 participants + 1 Group Leader. </H5> |
<H5> For some of the participants, the adventure started already 1 day before the project. On 18th of May, the group leader and 2 other Romanian girls were in Santiago de Compostela and visited the city. On 19th of May, before going to Vigo, they decided also to have a small journey to A Coruna. </H5> |
<H5> In the evening of 19th of May they finally reached Ecolectivo, the place that was their home during 7 nights of the project. They had the chance to know the other participants before the mobility (as they had a common Facebook group), so when they arrived it was more easier; they just needed to accommodate themselves at the tents that were in the camping and had the rest of the day off in order to explore the area. </H5> |
<H5> They really appreciated the way in which were welcomed by the hosting organization (a very warm welcome!!). The accommodation, which was represented basically by tents, was very comfortable, had protection against mosquitos, a big mattress and many many brankets. </H5> |
<H5> In the next day they started to discover each other better and got to know the surroundings more and more. Ecolectivo is an area that is using only recycled materials, has a looooot of trees and flowers and gave them the opportunity to exit their comfort zone and experience a new lifestyle. </H5> |
<H5> In the first days of this youth exchange they got the chance to present one to each other the forests’ situation from their communities and countries, to speak about the sending NGOs and also to create different workshops. </H5> |
<H5> There were workshops with different topics like : Seeds Bombs, Forest Food, Storytelling etc. and very interesting evening activities : documentary watching, improvisation shows, talent show, fire camping. </H5> |
<H5> Starting to the 3rd day, the group already started to discover the forest, first by seeing it and then by cleaning out the area and by eliminating the species that were threatening the other plants/trees. </H5> |
<H5> On Friday, 24.05.2019, they participated in the “Fridays for Future “movement. Being supported by another organisation from Vigo, which was in charge for organising this activity, the participants cleaned a big part of the forest and the area that was next to the river. After that, they joined this organization to the city center of Vigo. The participants also had the chance to see the ocean and to have an amazing open air-show thanks to some participants. </H5> |
<H5> In the penultimate day before the end of the project, they had to plant each of them a tree. The coordinator thought what they should do in order to make sure that the tree is well planted and will survive. </H5> |
<H5> In the last day , they shared their last words, their last emotions and they did a lot of promises to each other, including the fact they will continue to participate in movements such as “Fridays for Future” and that they will continue to plant and to take care of the nature. </H5> |
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<H5> Alexandru Ivanciu, the group leader, mentioned: </H5> |
<H5> “For this project I want to say thanks first of all to our hosts and friends : Sol, Gus, Renato, Ivan and Oscar, the ones who ensured that we have there everything in order to make our activities. I want to say thanks to our kitchen amazing team : Afro, Anne, Nayra and Helene. And especially I want to say thanks to Marta and Nasko, the 2 amazing facilitators who managed to create a perfect atmosphere and made the activities happening. And of course I want to say thank you to Madalina Stratone, president of Wings for Youth Romania, who sent me there and gave me this opportunity. </H5> |
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<H5> I also want to share with you a song, that for me was the anthem of this project. It was our song, the song of the nature, the song of everything. </H5> |
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<H5> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSjXOebB7eI “ </H5> |
<H5> Anul 2019 ne aduce noi proiecte! Daca in anul 2018 am fost parteneri in cadrul Schimbului de Tineri “Greenovation” care a avut loc in Grecia, anul acesta continuam parteneriatul si mergem in Spania! </H5> |
<H5> Perioada proiectului: 19-27 mai </H5> |
<H5> Participanti: 5 participanti + 1 lider de grup </H5> |
<H5> Mai jos puteti gasi informatiile necesare despre proiect: </H5> |
<H5> Plant a tree, Grow hope will bring together 30 participants from Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Macedonia and Spain in a very special place in the Northwest of Spain, called Galicia, near the Atlantic ocean, where we will reforest with autochthonous and fruit trees a damaged area of the city of Vigo, property of the local neighbours community, in order to grow an edible forest, while creating an intercultural, sustainable and organizedcommunity through consensus and active participation. </H5> |
<H5> The Ecolectivo is a multidisciplinary project born with the aim of promoting and developing experiences in areas such as ecological, community, cultural and personal growth. With a transformative and experimental nature, we try to promote actions and life models that are more respectful with people and with nature in general. </H5> |
<H5> We have one hectare of “Permanent Agriculture” very close to the center of Vigo. An unparalleled opportunity to bring all kinds of experiences to the grassroots community, encourage ecosocial change and actively show what it can contribute to our lives. </H5> |
<H5> Vigo is a city and municipality adjoining the Atlantic Ocean in the province of Pontevedra in Galicia, northwest Spain. Vigo is one of the biggest cities of Galicia. It is located in the southwest of Galicia, in the “Ría de Vigo”, 40km from Portugal, 90km from Santiago de Compostela. </H5> |
The accommodation will be the site of the Ecolectivo, a hectare designed in permaculture in the area of Castrelos, a rural environment 35 minuts walking from the center of Vigo. There, the participants will have the opportunity to live in a space with a food forest, a diverse vegetable and medicinal garden, a natural pool, composting toilets, showers, an artistic classroom, a nursery, constructions made with natural materials, a beautiful kitchen and a clay oven, water collectors and other models more sustainable to live with the earth. </H5> |
For sleeping there will be tents with mattresses provided by the space and also some few places indoors with beds. They will have the opportunity to choose, prioritizing people who have specific needs. We will ask them to bring their own sleeping bags. </H5> |
There is wifi available, a classroom for training and to do activities, and a dynamic terrain with numerous outdoor meeting points and two dining rooms. </H5> |
<H5> The living conditions will be basic, as the more sustainable we can be at the moment. Recycling it is an important action, as composting all the organic materials. We will create five intercultural teams for light household duties to mantein dignified and clean the place. </H5> |
The food will be vegan and vegetarian, ecological and highly nutritious, cooked by a person contracted with more than 20 years of experience in nutrition and veganism. We will take into consideration any specific diets of the participants, food intolerances and allergies. The food will be local produced in the garden or it will be locally sourced. </H5> |
We will ask for doing an exchange free of alcohol and drugs. </H5> |
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<H5> Profile of participants: </H5> |
<H5> Youth between 18-30 years old </H5> |
<H5> To show interest in learning and in applying the criteria of susteinability to their way of life </H5> |
<H5> Responsibility and commitment to all the activities of the project (before, during and after) </H5> |
<H5> Big motivation to live this beautiful, challenging and intercultural experience </H5> |
<H5> Priority to: people from rural areas, people who have never left their country, unemployed and young people who have fewer opportunities to be engaged in such projects. </H5> |
<H5> More info here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4po72JYKqildkpEbGtLVFNkZ19UMkRnTHlJemxRRnpUeDYw/view </H5> |
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<H5> Apply here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScazNY3J0Pu4EAhITZcirmAkiMBFYm3kKTYZiWZTBimHcVFxQ/viewform </H5> |
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<H5> * Deadline pentru aplicare: 15 martie </H5> |
<H5> ** Transportul se deconteaza in limita a 360 euro. </H5> |
<H5> *** Pentru mai multe detalii ne puteti contacta aici: wings4youthngo@gmail.com </H5> |
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